Investor Visas in New Zealand

Everything You Need to Know About Investor Visa in New Zealand

If you’re dreaming of investing in New Zealand and making it your new home, you’re not alone. New Zealand offers a range of investor visas that can open doors to a world of opportunities. In this article, we’ll break down the types of investor visas available, their requirements, the application process, timelines, durations, fees, and even provide you with a Q&A to address your most pressing concerns.

Types of Investor Visas in New Zealand

New Zealand offers three primary types of investor visas

  • Investor 1 Visa:
    • Designed for high net worth individuals.
    • Requires a NZD 10 million investment in New Zealand for three years.
    • Settlement funds of NZD 3 million are needed.
  • Investor 2 Visa:
    • Suitable for individuals wanting to make New Zealand their home.
    • Requires a NZD 3 million investment in New Zealand for four years.
    • Settlement funds of NZD 1 million are necessary.
  • Investor Plus Visa:
    • An option for those already on an Investor 2 Visa.
    • Allows for indefinite stay in New Zealand if specific criteria are met.

These investor visas cater to individuals with varying financial capacities and investment objectives, providing a pathway to become part of the New Zealand community.

  • Age: There is no age restriction for investor visas. Applicants of all age groups are eligible to apply.
  • Health and Character: To qualify for an investor visa, you must meet specific health and character requirements:
    • Health: Applicants should be in good health, and a medical examination may be required.
    • Character: A clean criminal record is essential. Any criminal convictions may affect your eligibility.
  • Investment Funds: Demonstrating the source and legality of your investment funds is a crucial requirement:
    • You will need to provide detailed documentation proving the origin of your investment funds.
    • Authorities in New Zealand will assess the legality of the source of funds to ensure they are obtained through legitimate means.

Meeting these requirements is vital to a successful application for an investor visa in New Zealand. Make sure to prepare the necessary documentation and meet the health and character standards to increase your chances of approval.

Process – Timelines and Durations & Fee

Here are the timelines and durations for each category of investor visas in New Zealand, along with the associated fees, presented in bullet points:

Investor 1 Visa:

  • Processing Time: Typically takes around 20 to 36 months, including the investment period.
  • Duration: After the investment period, you can apply for permanent residency.
  • Fees: NZD 4,600 for the principal applicant and NZD 2,300 for each dependent.

Investor 2 Visa:

  • Processing Time: Usually takes 36 to 42 months for processing.
  • Duration: After approval, you can apply for permanent residency.
  • Fees: Principal applicant pays NZD 3,500, and each dependent pays NZD 1,750.

Investor Plus Visa:

  • Processing Time: Allows you to stay indefinitely in New Zealand as long as you meet the conditions set by the authorities.
  • Duration: Continuous residency is possible if the criteria are met.
  • Fees: NZD 3,500 per person for the Investor Plus Visa.

These timelines, durations, and fees vary depending on the type of investor visa you are applying for. It’s essential to plan your investment and stay accordingly and be aware of the associated costs to make an informed decision.

Interview Process

As part of the application process, you may be required to attend an interview. This interview aims to assess your commitment to New Zealand and your investment plans. It’s an opportunity for you to demonstrate your genuine interest in becoming a part of the country.

7. Commonly Asked Questions about Investor Visas

Let’s address some of the frequently asked questions about investor visas:

Q1. Can I bring my family with me on an investor visa?

Yes, you can include your spouse and dependent children in your application.

Q2. Do I need to speak English fluently to qualify?

While English proficiency is not mandatory, having some knowledge of English can be beneficial during the application process.

Q3. Can I change my investment plan after obtaining the visa?

Changing your investment plan after obtaining the visa may be possible but will require approval from the authorities.

Q4. What happens if my visa application is rejected?

If your visa application is rejected, you have the option to appeal the decision or reapply with a stronger case.

Q5. Can I apply for permanent residency after my investor visa expires?

Yes, you can apply for permanent residency after meeting the conditions of your investor visa and residing in New Zealand for a specified period.


New Zealand’s investor visas offer a pathway to not only invest but also make this beautiful country your new home. Whether you’re a high net worth individual or looking for a long-term investment opportunity, there’s a visa option for you. By understanding the requirements, application process, timelines, and fees, you can embark on your journey to becoming a New Zealand resident. If you have more questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the New Zealand Immigration Service. Your dream of living and investing in New Zealand is closer than you think.


Q1. Can I bring my family with me on an investor visa?

  • A1. Yes, you can include your spouse and dependent children in your application for an investor visa. New Zealand welcomes families to join the primary applicant.

Q2. Do I need to speak English fluently to qualify for an investor visa?

  • A2. While English proficiency is not mandatory, having some knowledge of English can be beneficial during the application process. It may also help with integration into New Zealand society.

Q3. Can I change my investment plan after obtaining the visa?

  • A3. Changing your investment plan after obtaining the visa may be possible, but it will require approval from the New Zealand authorities. It’s essential to discuss any proposed changes with the relevant immigration authorities.

Q4. What happens if my visa application is rejected?

  • A4. If your visa application is rejected, you have options. You can either appeal the decision or reapply with a stronger case, addressing any issues or concerns that led to the initial rejection.

Q5. Can I apply for permanent residency after my investor visa expires?

  • A5. Yes, you can apply for permanent residency in New Zealand after meeting the conditions of your investor visa and residing in the country for a specified period. Permanent residency provides long-term stability and the opportunity to become a New Zealand citizen in the future.

These FAQs address some of the common queries individuals have regarding investor visas in New Zealand, offering valuable insights into the application process and requirements.

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