New Zealand Resident Visa

Unlock the Secrets: How to Fast-Track Your New Zealand Resident Visa – Your Journey Awaits

Before applying to New Zealand Resident Visa just for your information if you’ve ever dreamt of living in one of the most picturesque and vibrant countries in the world, New Zealand, you’re not alone. New Zealand’s stunning landscapes, welcoming communities, and high quality of life make it a desirable destination for people from all corners of the globe. Fortunately, there are several types of resident visas available to make your dream a reality. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the various types of resident visas, their requirements, application process, timeline, durations, fees, and even provide you with a Q&A section to address your most pressing concerns. So, let’s embark on this journey to discover how you can become a resident of the Land of the Long White Cloud.

Introduction to Resident Visas

A resident visa allows you to live and work in New Zealand indefinitely. It’s the first step towards becoming a full-fledged New Zealand citizen. With this visa, you can enjoy the country’s natural beauty, diverse culture, and excellent healthcare and education systems.

Types of Resident Visas

Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

The Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa is for individuals with skills that are in demand in New Zealand. To be eligible, you must meet the points-based system, which takes into account factors such as age, work experience, and qualifications. This visa is perfect for professionals and tradespeople looking to make New Zealand their home.

Family Category Resident Visa

If you have close family members who are New Zealand citizens or residents, you may be eligible for a Family Category Resident Visa. This visa allows you to join your family in New Zealand and build a life together.

Investor Category Resident Visa

For those with a significant amount of capital to invest in New Zealand, the Investor Category Resident Visa is an attractive option. It encourages investment in the country’s economy and offers a pathway to residency.

Entrepreneur Category Resident Visa

If you have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and wish to establish or buy a business in New Zealand, the Entrepreneur Category Resident Visa is designed for you. This visa allows you to work and live in New Zealand while actively participating in business activities.

Requirements for a Resident Visa

  1. Good Health: Applicants must be in good health and may be required to undergo medical examinations to prove their health status.
  2. Good Character: Individuals seeking a Resident Visa should demonstrate good character and provide character references if necessary.
  3. Age: While there is no maximum age limit, age can affect the points awarded in the application process. Younger applicants often receive more points.
  4. English Language Proficiency: Depending on the visa category, applicants may need to demonstrate their proficiency in the English language. This can be done through recognized language tests.
  5. Specific Category Requirements: Each visa category (e.g., Skilled Migrant, Family, Investor) may have specific requirements that applicants must meet. These can include qualifications, work experience, investment funds, or family relationships.
  6. Expression of Interest (EOI): The initial step for many visa categories involves submitting an EOI, where applicants provide details about their skills, qualifications, and experience. Points are awarded based on the information provided in the EOI.
  7. Invitation to Apply: If an applicant’s EOI scores enough points, they may receive an invitation to apply for a Resident Visa.
  8. Financial Requirements: Depending on the category, applicants may need to show proof of funds or assets to support themselves and their families while in New Zealand.
  9. Sponsorship: For some visa categories, applicants may require sponsorship from a family member or employer in New Zealand.
  10. Meeting Health and Character Requirements for Family Members: If family members are included in the application, they must also meet health and character requirements.
  11. Commitment to New Zealand: Applicants are often required to demonstrate their genuine commitment to living and contributing to New Zealand.
  12. Duration of Previous Visas: Applicants should consider the duration and status of their previous visas, as it may impact their eligibility for a Resident Visa.
  13. Documentation: Applicants must provide accurate and complete documentation to support their claims and meet the requirements of the visa category they are applying for.

Remember that the specific requirements and points allocation can vary depending on the visa category. It’s crucial to check the official New Zealand immigration website or consult with an immigration expert for the most up-to-date and category-specific information.


  1. Determine Eligibility:
    • Understand the specific requirements and eligibility criteria for the desired Resident Visa category (e.g., Skilled Migrant, Family, Investor).
  2. Prepare Necessary Documents:
    • Gather all required documents, including identity proof, health certificates, character references, qualifications, and financial statements.
  3. Expression of Interest (EOI):
    • Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) online, providing details about your skills, qualifications, work experience, and other relevant information.
  4. Points Assessment:
    • Your EOI will be assessed, and points will be allocated based on factors such as age, qualifications, work experience, and language proficiency.
  5. Invitation to Apply:
    • If your EOI scores enough points, you may receive an invitation to apply for a Resident Visa. This invitation is usually valid for a specific period.
  6. Complete Application:
    • Fill out the Resident Visa application form and provide all required supporting documents. Ensure accuracy and completeness.
  7. Medical and Character Checks:
    • Undergo medical examinations and provide police clearance certificates to demonstrate good health and character.
  8. Financial Proof:
    • Depending on the category, show proof of sufficient funds, investment capital, or financial stability to support yourself and any included family members.
  9. Sponsorship (if applicable):
    • If required by the visa category, obtain sponsorship from a family member or employer in New Zealand.
  10. Application Submission:
    • Submit your completed application, along with the required fees, to the New Zealand immigration authorities.
  11. Processing Time:
    • Wait for the immigration authorities to process your application. The processing time can vary based on the complexity of your case and the category you applied for.
  12. Visa Approval:
    • Once your application is approved, you will receive a Resident Visa, allowing you to live and work in New Zealand.
  13. Initial Visa Duration:
    • Your initial Resident Visa is typically valid for two years.
  14. Permanent Resident Visa (PRV):
    • After holding a Resident Visa for a specific period and meeting certain criteria, you can apply for a Permanent Resident Visa (PRV), which has no time limitations.
  15. Settling in New Zealand:
    • Upon arrival in New Zealand, take steps to settle into your new life, including finding housing, opening bank accounts, and exploring job opportunities.
  16. Contribute to New Zealand:
    • Fulfill your commitment to living in New Zealand, contributing to the community, and adhering to the terms of your visa.

It’s essential to consult the official New Zealand immigration website or seek guidance from immigration experts for precise and up-to-date information regarding the specific visa category you are interested in. Each category may have additional requirements and nuances in the application process.

Duration of Resident Visa:

  • Duration of Resident Visa:
  • A Resident Visa in New Zealand is initially granted for a period of two years.
  • After holding a Resident Visa for the initial two-year period and meeting certain criteria, individuals have the opportunity to apply for a Permanent Resident Visa (PRV).
  • The Permanent Resident Visa (PRV) allows individuals to stay in New Zealand indefinitely with no specific time limitations.
  • The transition from a Resident Visa to a Permanent Resident Visa (PRV) typically depends on factors such as meeting residency requirements, demonstrating a commitment to New Zealand, and complying with the terms and conditions of the visa.
  • Once granted, a Permanent Resident Visa (PRV) offers the freedom to live, work, and enjoy the benefits of residency in New Zealand without the need for visa renewals or extensions.
  • The exact requirements and timelines for obtaining a PRV can vary, so it’s essential to consult the official New Zealand immigration website or seek guidance from immigration experts for precise information regarding the transition from a Resident Visa to a Permanent Resident Visa.

Fees for Resident Visa

  • The fees for a Resident Visa in New Zealand can vary depending on various factors, including the visa category and the number of applicants (principal applicant and dependents).
  • The fee schedule may change over time, so it’s crucial to check the official New Zealand immigration website for the most up-to-date fee information specific to your chosen visa category.
  • As of my knowledge cutoff date in January 2022, here are some approximate fee ranges for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa (principal applicant):
    • Application fee: NZD 2,710 to NZD 3,615.
    • Immigration levy: NZD 1,950.
  • Additional fees may apply for each dependent family member included in the application.
  • The fees for other visa categories, such as Family, Investor, and Entrepreneur, can vary, and it’s essential to review the specific fee requirements for the category under which you plan to apply.

Please keep in mind that fee structures and amounts may change, so it’s important to verify the current fee details on the official New Zealand immigration website or consult with immigration experts for the most accurate and up-to-date fee information for your Resident Visa application.

Timeline for Approval

The timeline for visa approval can vary, but on average, it takes approximately six to nine months from the time of application submission to approval. Factors such as the complexity of your case and the category you apply under may influence the processing time.

Interview Q&A

Here are some common questions and answers related to Resident Visas in New Zealand:

Q1: Can I work in New Zealand on a Resident Visa? A1: Yes, you can work and live in New Zealand indefinitely on a Resident Visa.

Q2: Can I include my family in my Resident Visa application? A2: Yes, certain Resident Visa categories allow you to include your immediate family members in your application.

Q3: What is the minimum points requirement for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa? A3: The minimum points requirement varies, but you need at least 160 points to be eligible.

Q4: Can I apply for citizenship after obtaining a Resident Visa? A4: Yes, after holding a Resident Visa for a specific period, you may be eligible to apply for New Zealand citizenship.

Q5: Is there a maximum age limit for applying for a Resident Visa? A5: No, there is no maximum age limit, but age can affect your points score in the application process.


Obtaining a Resident Visa in New Zealand is a significant step towards realizing your dream of living in this beautiful country. Whether you qualify under the Skilled Migrant, Family, Investor, or Entrepreneur Category, the process may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and preparation, you can make your dream a reality. Take the time to understand the requirements, gather the necessary documents, and submit a well-prepared application. Before you know it, you could be calling New Zealand your home.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I apply for a Resident Visa if I have a job offer in New Zealand? A1: Yes, having a job offer can increase your chances of meeting the requirements for certain Resident Visa categories, such as the Skilled Migrant Category.

Q2: What is the difference between a Resident Visa and a Permanent Resident Visa? A2: A Resident Visa allows you to live and work in New Zealand indefinitely, while a Permanent Resident Visa grants you the right to stay in New Zealand without any time limitations.

Q3: Do I need a job in New Zealand to apply for a Family Category Resident Visa? A3: No, a job is not a requirement for the Family Category Resident Visa, but you need to have close family members who are New Zealand citizens or residents.

Q4: Are there any restrictions on the type of business I can start with an Entrepreneur Category Resident Visa? A4: The business you start or buy must align with the goals and criteria of the Entrepreneur Category. It should be a genuine, sustainable business venture.

Q5: Can I include my partner’s income and qualifications in my EOI for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa? A5: Yes, you can combine your partner’s qualifications and income with your own to meet the points requirement, provided your partner meets the eligibility criteria.

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